Financial Resources for Black Students
According to Gallup, about 50% of Black college graduates end up with over $25,000 in student loans.
To help ease the stress that comes with college (financial or otherwise), many organizations have created scholarships, fellowships, and nonprofit resources specifically for black students.
Whether you're heading off for your post-graduate degree or looking for field-specific internships, the below list of over 100 financial resources for Black students is a great place to start.
Internships and Fellowships
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Internships and fellowship programs are a great way to get field-specific experience and set yourself apart as a job candidate in the future. Start your search with this list of opportunities below.
- Congressional Black Caucus Foundation: CBCF offers internship programs for college students and young professionals in all branches of government.
- National Association of Black Journalists: NABJ offers internships for student members and is dedicated to improving the media's coverage of the black community.
- NASCAR: NASCAR Diversity Internship Program is a 10-week, paid summer internship that seeks diverse undergraduate and graduate college students with high academic standing at elite institutions.
- Microsoft: Explore Microsoft is a 12-week summer internship program specifically designed for first- and second-year college students who pursue degrees in computer science, computer engineering, or related technical disciplines (Microsoft encourage underrepresented group students to apply).
- APS: APS/IBM Research Internship for Undergraduate Minority Students is a paid summer internship for underrepresented minorities (African American, Hispanic, or Native American) with sophomore or junior standing at a U.S. college or university at the time of application.
- Getty: Getty Marrow Undergraduate Internship program in Los Angeles supports substantive, full-time summer work opportunities for college undergraduates from backgrounds that have traditionally been underrepresented in the arts.
- Google: The Building Opportunities for Leadership and Development (BOLD) Internship Program is a paid summer internship for rising underrepresented undergraduate seniors (including but not limited to Black, Hispanic, Native American, students with disabilities, and veterans).
- McKinsey: Sophomore (second-year) Summer Business Analyst program is an 8-10 weeks summer internship program for underrepresented group (including Black, African American, Hispanic, Latinx, and/or part of Indigenous groups in North America).
- Seizing Every Opportunity (SEO): SEO Career recruits and trains high achieving Black, LatinX, and Native American college students for challenging summer internships that lead to coveted full-time jobs.
- Smithsonian: Smithsonian offers internships to increase participation of groups who are underrepresented in the disciplines of research conducted at the Institution, and in the museum field.
- T. Howard Foundation: T. Howard Foundation's Internship Program is dedicated to improving the participation of diverse and underrepresented groups in the media and entertainment industry.
- PwC: Start is PwC's diversity summer internship experience for high-performing college sophomores/rising juniors who are in underrepresented minority groups.
- Facebook: Facebook University is an 8-week internship program that enables students from underrepresented communities to get to know Facebook's people, products and services.
- Fleishman Hillard: Fleishman Hillard provides 6-12 months paid fellowships for college seniors, recent college graduates and graduate students who are on underrepresented (racial and ethnic minority) groups.
- American Bar Foundation: American Bar Foundation provides Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program for students who are diverse and traditionally underrepresented in the fields of law and social science.
- APSA Diversity Fellowship Program: Diversity Fellowship Program (DFP) is a fellowship competition for individuals from underrepresented backgrounds applying to or in the early stages of doctoral programs in political science.
- American Educational Research Association: AERA provides Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research to enhance the racial and ethnic diversity of faculty, scholars, and researchers who study topics in education research.
- Emma Bowen Foundation: The Emma Bowen Fellows Program provides multi-year paid internships to students of color at media companies across the country.
- Center for Third World Organizing: MAAP is an 8-week summer paid intensive training program for young activists of color.
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As you approach college (or graduate school), take time to seek out scholarships and financial awards to lighten the financial load. Check the list below to learn more (and remember to check all necessary requirements before applying!)
- Wallace Scholar: Amos and Edith Wallace Scholarship rewards young, bright African American students who have demonstrated exemplary commitment to service and education.
- American Planning Association: APA Foundation scholarships provides scholarships to students of great merit and from historically underrepresented groups.
- Augustana University: Augustana University provides Diversity Scholarship for full-time domestic students of color.
- Charles Shelton Foundation: The Charles Shelton Foundation provides two non-renewable $2,000 awards offered annually for African American students.
- Community Foundation of Northern Illinois: Dr. Gussie M. Ware Memorial Scholarship provides educational awards for deserving young black women.
- Community Foundation of Northern Illinois: Era L. and Frances L. Walker Scholarship provides educational resources for African American males to pursue higher education.
- Next Day Animations: Illustrating Awesomeness Scholarship is a scholarship opportunity for young women or gender non-conforming individuals of color who are actively working to change the world.
- Mae and Mary Legacy Foundation: Mae and Mary Legacy Foundation provides scholarships for African American students based on academic excellence and financial need.
- Society for Classical Studies: Frank M. Snowden Jr. Undergraduate Scholarships is granted for undergraduate students from historically underrepresented groups across North America.
- Illinois Student Assistance Commission: ISAC provides Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) scholarships for students who are African American/Black, Hispanic American, Asian American, or Native American.
- Morgan Stanley: Morgan Stanley Richard B. Fisher Scholarship Program is granted for undergraduate sophomore and junior students who self-identify as Black, Hispanic, Native American, and LGBT+.
- The National Press Club: The National Press Club provides Scholarship for Diversity Honoring Julie Schoo consisting of a $5,000 one-year scholarship, which can be renewed for up to three years for a total of $20,000 toward educational expenses.
- Legal Defense and Educational Fund: The Herbert Lehman Scholarship provides annual awards to qualified, outstanding undergraduate students.
- National Merit Scholarship Corporation: National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) provides National Achievement Scholarship Program to encourage Black American youth to continue their education.
- Jackie Robinson Foundation: Jackie Robinson Foundation provides scholarship program for undergraduate students who are in minority groups.
- National Black Nurse Association: NBNA provides annual scholarships for students who are members of NBNA.
- NANBPWC: NANBPWC provides National Scholarship for African American graduating senior.
- NHBW, Inc.: NHBW, Inc. provides Dr. Arnita Young-Boswell Scholarship for African American students who have demonstrated academic excellence, concern for their community and the Black family, and a desire to continue their education.
- Aspen Institute: William Randolph Hearst Endowed Fellowship for Minority Students is offered for undergraduate and graduate students of color based on academic excellence.
- 100 Black Men of America: The National Scholarship Program is offered for 100 Black Men mentees, Collegiate 100, or affiliates who are graduating high school seniors or college undergraduates enrolled full-time in an accredited post-secondary institution.
Scholarships for Specific Disciplines
- American College of Healthcare Executives: Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship provides financial aid to racially/ethnically students in healthcare management graduate programs.
- American Chemical Society: ACS Scholars Program awards renewable scholarships to underrepresented minority students majoring in undergraduate chemistry-related disciplines and are also intending to pursue careers in chemistry-related fields.
- Actuarial Foundation: Actuarial Diversity Scholarship promotes diversity within the profession through an annual scholarship program for Black/African American, Latinx, Native North American and Pacific Islander students.
- Foundation for the Carolinas - African American Network: AAN– Carolinas Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to college-bound students from North and South Carolina who are pursuing a major in engineering, math, science, computer science, accounting, finance, or business administration.
- Library and Information Technology Association: LITA/LSSI Minority Scholarship is awarded to minority students (American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, African American, or Hispanic) who are pursuing library and automation field related degree.
- American Library Association: ALA provides Spectrum Scholarship Program for American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern and North African, and/or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students to assist them with obtaining a graduate degree and leadership positions within the profession and ALA.
- American Meteorological Society: AMS Minority Scholarships will award funding to minority students who have been traditionally underrepresented in the sciences, especially Hispanic, Native American, and Black/African American students.
- American Sociological Association: Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) supports the development and training of sociologists of color in any sub-area or specialty in the discipline.
- Microsoft: BAM is dedicated to supporting the continued growth and development of black employees and encouraging students to pursue a career in technology.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: The EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholarship provides funds for two years of undergraduate study to rising junior undergraduate students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
- American Association of Law Libraries: George A. Strait Minority Scholarship & Fellowship is granted for minority students who pursue ALA accredited library graduate school program; or law school.
- Society for American Archaeology: Historically Underrepresented Groups Scholarship (HUGS) grants scholarships for underrepresented minorities who obtain degrees in archaeology.
- New York Women in Communication: The Interpublic Group (IPG) Scholarship and Internship is awarded to an ethnically diverse student who is currently a college junior and has demonstrated an interest in a career in communications.
- American Association of School Personnel Administrators: AASPA will annually award two Leon Bradley Scholarships to assist a minority candidate seeking his/her initial teaching certification endorsement.
- National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering: NACME Scholars provides scholarships for under-represented minority students in the fields of engineering and computer science.
- Ron Brown Scholar Program: Ron Brown Scholar Program is a scholarship granted for young African American students who pursue careers in technology, arts, sciences, public service, law, medicine, and business.
- Radio Television Digital News Association: Carole Simpson Scholarship is granted for minority students to overcome hurdles along their career path in electronic journalism.
- AHLA Foundation: Hyatt established this Hyatt Hotels Fund for Minority Lodging Management Students to provide financial aid to minority students pursuing a degree in hotel management.
- Allina Health: EMPOWER Scholarship encourages and supports ethnically diverse students who are pursuing a career in a medical or rehabilitation field.
- National Association of School Psychologists: NASP-ERT Minority Scholarship Program (NASP-ERT MSP) was established in 1995 to support the graduate training of minority students pursuing careers in school psychology.
- Gates Millennium Scholar Program: GMSP promoting academic excellence, providing opportunities, reducing financial barriers by providing scholarships for outstanding students of color who study STEM related fields.
- American Physical Therapy Association: APTA provides Minority Scholarship Award for physical therapy students currently in their final year of an accredited program, and faculty members who are pursuing post-professional doctoral degrees for their professional character and academic excellence.
- Brown and Caldwell: Brown and Caldwell offers a $5,000 Minority Scholarship to support students who identify as minorities and are interested in pursuing a career in the environmental profession.
- ESA Foundation Scholars: ESA Foundation Scholars provides scholarships for women and minority students across the United States who pursue computer and video game art degrees.
- Justice Diversity Center of the Bar Association of San Francisco: Bay Area Minority Law Students Scholarship is granted for qualified students in legal education and the legal profession.
- Virtasant: Virtasant provides Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship for high school, college, or university student (on underrepresented group) pursuing a degree in computer science, electrical engineering, or data science.
- American Bus Association: The Diversity Scholarship focuses on broadening the number of traditionally underrepresented groups in the management and operation ranks of the transportation, travel, and tourism industry.
- Architects Foundation: Diversity Advancement Scholarship is granted for minority students who enroll in a NAAB-accredited architecture degree program.
- American Association of Law Libraries: AALL provides George A. Strait Minority Scholarship and Fellowship for minority students enrolled in an ALA accredited library graduate school program; or law school.
- Grand Rapids Foundation: Miller Johnson Michigan Diversity Law School Scholarship is granted for students of color accepted to or presently attending an accredited law school within the US with a permanent residence in Michigan.
- American Geosciences: AGI Scholarship for Advancing Diversity in the Geoscience Profession is granted for under-represented minority graduate students in geoscience.
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers: AIChE Minority Scholarship Award is presented for minority under-represented undergraduate student members annually in chemical engineering.
- The Surety Foundation: The Surety and Fidelity Industry Intern and Scholarship Program provides awards of up to $5,000 to outstanding underrepresented students to support their studies in the areas of insurance/risk management, accounting, economics, or business/finance.
- American Association for the Advancement of Science: AAAS provides Diverse Voices in Science Journalism Internship students who are interested in pursuing a career in journalism and who want to learn more about science writing.
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Graduate Scholarship Programs provides scholarships for underrepresented doctoral students in sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), especially in fields where national trends document persistent underrepresentation.
- AIGA: AIGA World studio Scholarship is offered for underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students who are studying photography, illustration, and design disciplines in colleges and universities in the United States.
- American Bar: American Bar provides annual Legal Opportunity Scholarship to first-year law racial and ethnic minority students.
Regional Scholarships
- Florida Fund for Minority Teachers: FFMT provides Minority Teacher Education Scholarship (MTES) for Florida students who are on the following racial groups: African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian American/Pacific Islander, or American Indian/Alaskan Native.
- YWCA Greater Cincinnati: The YWCA Mamie Earl Sells Scholarship provides financial assistance and support to an outstanding Black female high school senior in Greater Cincinnati entering a post-secondary institution.
- Page Education Foundation: Page Education Foundation provides grants for students of color who graduate from a Minnesota high school and will be attending an accredited Minnesota post-secondary school at full-time enrollment.
- Tennessee Higher Education Commission & Student Assistance Corporation: Minority Teaching Fellows Program is intended to encourage talented minority Tennesseans to enter the teaching field in Tennessee.
- Coastal Community Foundation: Coastal Community Foundation provides Reverend Pinckney Scholars Program to promote access to higher education for African American students from Beaufort, Charleston, and Jasper counties.
- Thursday Network: Thursday Network provides "I Empower" Scholarship for minority graduating high school students who attend high school in the District of Columbia, Montgomery County (MD), or Prince George's County (MD).
- Indiana Commission for Higher Education: Commission offers scholarships for minority students (defined as Black and Hispanic individuals) planning to teach in an accredited school in Indiana upon graduation.
- Sachs Foundation: Sachs Foundation provides scholarship program for African American high school seniors planning to pursue their undergraduate degree (Colorado residents).
Community Organizations
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Nonprofits and organizations dedicated to Black students can provide tons of helpful information, mentorship, and much more. Don't miss this list of resources below.
- National Society of Black Engineers: NSBE is one of the largest student-governed organizations in the world dedicated to increasing the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.
- National Association of Black Accountant: NABA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap for black accounting and finance professionals by providing leadership and technical training, as well as networking and career opportunities.
- National Black Nurse Association: NBNA is an organization that ensure equal access to professional development, promoting educational opportunities and improving health for Black nurses.
- Blacks In Technology: Blacks In Technology is a global platform for Black people in technology that serves through community, media and mentorship.
- Association of Black Psychologists: The Association of Black Psychologists is an organization that seeks the liberation of the African Mind, empowerment of the African Character, and enlivenment and illumination of the African Spirit.
- National Association of African Americans in Human Resources: NAAAHR is an organization for Black and African American human resources practitioners and those who are aligned with organization goals to provide: Networking, Career Opportunities, Educational and Professional Development, Mentorship and Coaching and Tools, Tips and Resources.
- Executive Leadership Council: The Executive Leadership Council offers several programs and initiatives designed to assist, support, and empower students as well as educational institutions and organizations that are addressing the challenges of producing a pipeline of successful future leaders.
- ColorComm: ColorComm, Inc. is the nation's leading women's platform addressing diversity & inclusion across the communications, marketing, advertising, and media industries.
- African American Careers: African American Careers is a platform for African American to browse jobs that are specialized for them.
- Black Career Women's Network: BCWN is a career development organization to foster the professional growth of Black Women.
- National Association of Black Journalists: National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is a nonprofit organization that provides innovative, quality programs and services to its members.
- Black Girl Ventures: Black Girl Ventures is an organization for Black/Brown woman-identifying founders that provides access to community, capital, and capacity building to meet business milestones that lead to economic advancement through entrepreneurship.
- Black Founders: Black Founders is creating an ecosystem that stimulates tech entrepreneurship and fosters economic growth.
Health Organizations
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College stress is no joke, so it's essential to take care of yourself and reach out when you need help. The below organizations offer discounted therapy and counseling, among other resources, specifically for Black students.
- Black Emotional and Mental Health: BEAM is a nonprofit organization to remove the barriers that Black people experience getting access to or staying connected with emotional health care and healing through education, training, advocacy, and the creative arts.
- Black Female Therapists: Black Female Therapists (BFT) is the lifestyle and empowerment platform for women of color.
- Black Girls Heal: Black Girls Heal is an online community and coaching program dedicated to helping women break the cycles of unavailable partnerships, unhealthy relationships and feeling not enough via evidence based and real, actionable tools.
- Black Men Heal: Black Men Heal provides access to mental health treatment, psychological education, and community resources to men of color.
- Melanin and Mental Health: Melanin & Mental Health is an organization that connect individuals with culturally competent clinicians committed to serving the mental health needs of Black & Latinx/Hispanic communities.
- The Loveland Foundation: Loveland Foundation is committed to showing up for communities of color, providing resources and initiatives, with a particular focus on Black women and girls.
- Therapy for Black Girls: Therapy for Black Girls is an online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls.
Bottom Line
Locating financial resources or scholarships can be an arduous task, but don't get discouraged. We hope that this list of helpful links can provide some guidance and a little inspiration to pursue the major or discipline that brings you joy. Best of luck!
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