Updated December 5, 2023

Best Credit Repair Companies

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The best credit repair companies can help change that bad credit into a good one. Read on for your options.

Who are the top-rated credit repair companies?
Here are some of the best companies that can help fix your credit:
  1. Credit Saint for discounted first-work fee
  2. Sky Blue Credit for couples
  3. The Credit Pros for credit building
  4. The Credit People for money-back guarantee
  5. Credit Firm for the cheapest plans

So, you've finally decided to improve your credit. But viewing that credit report can make you feel a little woozy.

What do those numbers even mean? And how do you actually start to improve your credit score?

Thankfully, there are experts and professional credit repair companies that can help you out.

And you can compare the best options one after another with this guide. Read on.

5 Best Credit Repair Companies

Credit repair companies offer different services with their packages. So, they will also have varying costs for credit repair.

Let's break down what you can get from them.

What aspect of your credit are you most interested in improving?

Credit Saint: Discounted First-work Fee

Credit Saint is a credit repair company based in New Jersey. And it's been in business for over 15 years. It also offers one of the most transparent pricing for credit repair services.

Here are the credit repair packages they offer:[1]

Credit PolishCredit RemodelClean Slate
Price (per month)$79.99$99.99$119.99
Challenges to Experian,
Equifax, and TransUnion
5 per cycle10 per cycleUnlimited per cycle
Creditor interventions
Score analysis and tracker
Inquiry targeting

First-work fee: $99.00 for Credit Polish & Credit Remodel; $195.00 for Clean Slate
Money-back guarantee: 90-day money-back guarantee
Mobile app: None available

Why we like Credit Saint:
Credit Saint has been accredited by Better Business Bureau (BBB) since 2007. And it's received an A-rating from BBB for its credit repair services.

You can even have a family member sign up with you. It's one of the best ways to maximize your Credit Saint package. Credit Saint will waive their first-work fee and only charge the monthly package fee along with yours for the next billing cycle.

Credit Saint remains one of the most expensive credit repair services in the industry. Clean Slate's $195.00 first-work fee covers more than two billing cycles for Credit Polish, Credit Saint's most affordable plan.

Credit Saint is not available in all states, including South Carolina, Kansas, Oregon, Maine, and the District of Columbia.

Sky Blue Credit: for Couples

Sky Blue Credit is one of the best credit repair companies that offer more affordable services (compared to others in this list).

Sky Blue Credit has been in the credit repair business since 1989. That's more than twice as long as some credit repair companies.

Here are the credit repair packages to choose from:[2]

Price (per month)$99.00$149.00
Pro analysis
Custom disputes
Score assistance
Creditor intervention

First-work fee: Same price as your plan (billed 6 days after the start of service)
Money-back guarantee: 90-day guarantee (in case you're not satisfied, contact Sky Blue Credit within 90 days of enrollment)
Mobile app: None available

Why we like Sky Blue Credit:
Sky Blue Credit offers a faster 35-day dispute cycle than a typical credit repair company with a 45-day cycle.[3]

Also, the company offers a couples discount. You get to save $50 for anyone you sign up with. It's beneficial if you plan to split the total service cost equally.

Moreover, Sky Blue Credit allows you to pause your program if you are tight on budget. Contact their customer support if you feel you need to pause your membership for whatever reason.

Sky Blue Credit does not offer credit monitoring. So, you can't get real-time updates to changes in your credit report.

Sky Blue Credit's customer support is also not available 24/7. You'll need to wait for business hours to get in touch with Sky Blue Credit professionals.

Get in touch with Sky Blue Credit
Customer Support: 9AM - 5PM, Monday-Friday, EST
Phone: (800) 790-0445

The Credit Pros: for Credit Building

The Credit Pros has been offering credit repair services for 12 years. And with a slight twist to these services, the company also offers credit building features.

There are two credit repair packages to choose from:[4]

ProsperitySuccess Plus
Price (per month)$129.00$149.00
Challenges to credit bureaus
Creditor interventions
Personalized dispute lettersUnlimitedUnlimited
Financial management tools
Credit Builder Loan

First-work fee: $129.00 for Prosperity plan; $149 for Success Plus plan
Money-back guarantee: 90-day money-back guarantee
Mobile app: iOS app and Android app available

Why we like The Credit Pros:
The Credit Pros allow you to repair and build your credit at the same time. The credit builder loan feature is available through the Success Plus plan.

With it, you can pay your loan on time to build positive items in your credit payments — all while The Credit Pros disputes your derogatory items.

Also, The Credit Pros has FICO-certified professionals. So you'll get recommendations from the same credit specialists measuring your FICO score.

FICO is an analytics software company that measures your credit score. FICO scores are the most common credit scores used by lenders and financial institutions for any lending-related decisions. FICO scores range from 300-850. As much as possible, aim for a score of 800 and above to qualify for the lowest interest rates and best loan plans.

The Credit Pros offers the Money Management package. However, it is more of a financial management tool rather than a credit repair service. It works best if you only want to monitor your credit instead of disputing your negative items.

The Credit People: Money-back Guarantee

The Credit People has been in the industry for more than two decades. You can choose from one of their monthly plans or a flat-rate plan. All plans come with a satisfaction guarantee.

Here are the credit repair packages to choose from:[5]

StandardPremiumPremium Flat Rate
Price$99 per month$119 per month$599 for six months
Unlimited challenges to credit bureaus
"Before & After" Credit Scores
Monthly credit report update
Creditor interventions
Escalated disputes and validations

First-work fee: $19 for all plans[6]
Money-back guarantee: If you request a refund, The Credit People will return your payment for the last month and not charge you for your current month.
Mobile app: None available

Why we like The Credit People:
The Satisfaction Guarantee covers the entire six months for the Premium Flat Rate plan. That means you can get a refund for your full payment if you're unsatisfied with the service.

And just like Ovation, The Credit People offers a discount. Couples can get a $20 discount for registering together.[7] The Premium Flat Rate offers greater value for your money. You'll end up paying around $99 monthly for the entire service.

Also, The Credit People charges one of the lowest initial work fees. First, The Credit People will call you and set up your online account. Then, they will pull your credit reports. The same work may cost you a month's worth of service fees in another company.

Credit repair companies pricing models
Credit repair companies typically charge services in one of two ways: through a subscription model or a pay-per-delete model.

  • Monthly subscription model: This is your most common type of payment. You pay for your package every month until you decide to end your service.
  • Pay-per-delete model: Some companies will charge you for each negative item they delete from your report. It is a newer pricing model for credit repair, so only a few services may offer this type of plan.

You can't view real-time changes to your credit since The Credit People updates your reports monthly. You may need to pay for another service to monitor your credit in real-time.

Also, the company does not offer additional features to help you improve your credit.

Credit Firm: Cheapest Credit Repair Plans

Credit Firm has been in the industry since 1997. And they offer some of the most affordable credit repair packages, starting at $49.99 per month.

Here are the credit repair packages to choose from:[8]

Individual PlanCouples Plan
Price (per month)$49.99$89.99
Personal Credit Consultant
Credit Audit
Credit Bureau Challenges
Procedural Compliance Verification
Personal Info Challenge
Goodwill Interventions
Debt Validation
Escalated Info Requests
Online Portal Access

Best part? There is no limit to Credit Firm's inclusions. Meaning all listed features above, such as disputes, challenges, or verifications, are unlimited.

This is unlike some companies that offer limited disputes or challenges to your creditor every month.

First-work fee: None available
Money-back guarantee: None available
Mobile app: None available

Why we like Credit Firm:
Credit Firm is one of the credit repair companies offering the most affordable services. You'll even get a discount with the Couples Plan. You can save almost $10 if you sign up with another person.

Because it's a law firm, you get the expertise of legal professionals with extensive experience in credit repair and credit laws. Credit Firm lawyers and paralegals may use aggressive methods to deal with the credit bureau and your creditors.

Lastly, Credit Firm does not have any hidden or extra fees you need to worry about. You can cancel your service anytime without obligation or penalties.

Credit Firm does not have credit monitoring features. You may need to pay for another service or an app to get real-time updates on your credit.

Also, Credit Firm's website is a bit outdated, which can negatively affect your user experience.

Here's a little summary of how these companies work in general.

How Do Credit Repair Companies Work?

Credit repair companies share the same basic inclusions for their services, such as:

  • Analyze and break down your credit report and credit score
  • Review any inaccurate information in your credit reports
  • List down negative items for dispute
  • Dispute negative items with creditors and the credit bureaus
  • Update you on your dispute cases
  • Monitor any changes in your credit
  • Schedule consultation sessions with you

These credit repair services can get really pricey. But you can actually do some of them by yourself.

D.I.Y. vs. Professional Services

Do you think professional companies are not fit for your needs? You can just DIY and try to improve your credit yourself.

Here's how to decide:

Choose DIY if you:

  • Want to save some money for credit repair
    Credit repair services can be pricey. Some companies even ask for an initial working fee on top of their monthly fee.

  • Have time to spare
    It takes time to analyze your credit reports and write dispute letters. Once you send your letters, the waiting game begins. Realistically, you need a few months to see improvements.

  • Are willing to learn more about credit repair
    There are credit laws that protect your rights as a consumer. Plus, there are different dispute letters for negative items in your report. Learning these things may help you dispute effectively.

Choose professional services if you:

  • Want to save time
    If the work is too much and you have the budget to choose professionals, you can entrust your credit to a reputable company. DIY looks simple, but it requires effort and focus to be effective.

  • Want professionals to handle your credit
    Credit repair companies are experts in credit laws and negotiating with creditors and credit bureaus. They have the experience and the know-hows of what works in credit repair.

  • Are looking for other features and options
    Most of these credit repair companies may offer other packages and features, such as credit monitoring, credit building, and personal finance management. These can be helpful in maintaining a good credit score in the long run.

If you're looking for a more assertive approach to repairing your credit, consider exploring the most aggressive credit repair companies. These companies can offer more intensive credit rebuilding strategies.

Speaking of other features, these companies may also offer debt settlement and credit counseling. How do these services differ?

Credit Repair vs. Debt Settlement vs.
Credit Counseling

Not all credit repair companies offer creditor negotiations or other inclusions. You may need a more reputable company, depending on your credit situation.

But here's a comparison of these services:

Credit Repair

Best for: People with no time to analyze, dispute, and repair their credit

What they do:
Credit repair services are for profit. Companies restore your credit by disputing negative items in your credit report.

Companies can charge as high as $150 monthly, not including first work fees, taxes, and other charges.

How service impacts credit:

  • Improves your credit if credit bureaus remove disputed items
  • Communicates with credit bureaus and creditors to correct negative items from your report
  • You have better chances for new loans and credit cards

Debt Settlement Service

Best for: People with no other options to settle debts; it should be your last resort

What they do:
Debt settlement services are also for profit. Companies renegotiate or settle your debt with creditors or debt collectors.

Companies can charge up to 25% of the original debt amount.

How service impacts credit:

  • Impacts your credit score for up to 7 years
  • May ask you to stop paying debt until you reach a settlement
  • You may not be able to get new loans and credit cards with existing debt collection items

Credit Counseling Service

Best for: People who need help managing debts and finances

What they do:
Credit counseling services are not for profit. Companies just provide guidance regarding your credit and finances.

Most companies offer this for free.

How service impacts credit:

  • Provides best advice and professional consultations to improve credit
  • Negotiates payment plans before your loans reach collections
  • You get professional advice on how to best get credit cards and new loans

Having said all that, know that everybody's credit is unique. You may only need credit repair services. But others may require all three to get to their ideal credit score.

Here are some other things to keep in mind.

What You Should Know About Credit Repair

Credit repair companies are far from perfect. It's best if you set your expectations first before getting your credit repair service.

Here are 3 things to remember the most:

  1. Increase in credit score is not guaranteed
    Reputable credit repair companies never promise things like "we will increase your credit score by 100 points."

    The most aggressive companies can promise to analyze, dispute and correspond with credit bureaus on your behalf. Their goal is to remove disputed items as you slowly build more positive transactions until you reach your desired credit.

  2. Changes aren't instant
    Credit repair takes time. Don't expect your cases to disappear immediately after the first round of disputes.

    Credit bureaus handle millions of items on a regular basis. You can allot 30 to 45 days for credit bureaus to go through your dispute.

  3. You can repair your credit yourself
    There's nothing credit repair companies do that you can't do. There are plenty of resources that can teach you about the best DIY methods.

If you don't want to DIY, however, here are some things to consider when selecting a professional service.

What To Consider When Choosing a
Credit Repair Company

Not all credit repair companies are the same. Below are the factors you'll need to assess.

  • Years in the business
    One of the indicators of a reputable company is its years in the industry. If your prospect company has been around for years, it means they are more likely to be legitimate.

    Also, the business's longevity will showcase a proven track record for dispute removals and compliance with the FTC.

  • Well-written contract
    Credit repair services have a contract. Read the contract thoroughly to know what's covered.

    Be sure to check information on first-work fees, insurance coverages, and guarantees. Also, look for clauses on cancellation fees, refund policies, personal information, and data privacy.

  • Locations served
    Many credit repair companies don't offer their services in all states. You can visit their company website or social media pages to learn about the locations they serve.

  • Reviews and feedback
    Feedback and reviews are insightful in telling you about actual results and company performance. Look for Google reviews, Better Business Bureau (BBB) accreditations, certifications, social media comments, and feedback.

Aside from knowing what to look for, there are also signs to watch out for. There are things a legitimate company would never do.

What is the main factor you consider when choosing a credit repair company?

7 Red Flags of Credit Repair Scams

Want to know how to spot a shady credit repair company from a mile away? Watch out for these warning signs.

  1. Charges upfront fees
    It's unlawful for credit repair companies to ask for any form of payment BEFORE performing services. Steer clear of companies that demand an advanced payment when they haven't even done anything yet.[9]

  2. Guarantees outcomes
    Companies shouldn't promise anything. Watch out for those that guarantee to increase your credit score or overpromise to deliver results in as fast as one week.

    Apply a golden rule: "If it's too good to be true, then it probably is."

  3. Promises to dispute all items — even accurate transactions
    Credit repair companies shouldn't dispute all negative items in your credit report, even accurate transactions. You could be charged with fraud.

    For example, you've incurred a collection account from missed payments. Credit repair companies should correspond with debt collectors instead of challenging credit bureaus for something you actually did.

  4. Can't answer your questions
    Professional companies should know the basics and the best credit repair methods.

    If your prospect service can't even answer your questions, think twice. They probably don't know what to do to improve your credit. They may even use illegal methods.

  5. Requests you not to contact credit bureaus
    It's a red flag when a credit repair company asks you not to contact the credit bureaus. It is your right to inquire about your profile and dispute inaccurate items in your credit report. You can keep tabs on your credit yourself.

  6. Promises you to create a new credit identity
    There's no such thing as starting fresh with a new credit identity. For instance, it's illegal to use a different credit privacy number (CPN) or employee identification number (EIN) for future credit applications.

    Companies asking you to use a different social security number are risking you for fraud. They are basically asking you to take somebody else's identity to start over again. Run away from companies suggesting this idea!

  7. Doesn't explain your rights
    You have rights as a consumer, even if you've incurred multiple negative items in your credit.

    Reputable companies should be able to list down what they can do for you, use legal practices for disputes, and provide you with a fair contract for your service.

What the Experts Say

CreditDonkey asked a panel of industry experts to answer readers' most pressing questions. Here's what they said:


There is no perfect credit repair company. But credit repair companies should at least cover the basics of credit repair.

You can weigh extra features and other offers to ensure they meet your preferences and needs.

The best credit repair companies are worth paying for if you see the improvements you want in your credit profile.

Are credit repair companies too intense for your needs? You can browse and try credit repair software instead. Explore some apps, then look at integrated options for booking credit repair from human professionals.


  1. ^ Credit Saint. Packages, Retrieved 7/16/2023
  2. ^ Sky Blue Credit. Member Pricing, Retrieved 7/16/2023
  3. ^ Sky Blue Credit. Faster Disputes, Retrieved 9/15/23
  4. ^ The Credit Pros. How Much Does It Cost, Retrieved 7/16/2023
  5. ^ The Credit People. Plans and Pricing, Retrieved 7/16/2023
  6. ^ The Credit People. All the Cost Up Front, Retrieved 7/15/2023
  7. ^ The Credit People. FAQ: Is there a discount for couples?, Retrieved 7/16/2023
  8. ^ Creditfirm.net. Pricing, Retrieved 7/16/2023
  9. ^ Federal Trade Commission. Credit Repair Organizations Act Retrieved 06/27/2023

Write to Alex Mambaje at feedback@creditdonkey.com. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for our latest posts.

Note: This website is made possible through financial relationships with some of the products and services mentioned on this site. We may receive compensation if you shop through links in our content. You do not have to use our links, but you help support CreditDonkey if you do.

Credit Saint

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What aspect of your credit are you most interested in improving?
26% Paying off debts
47% Increasing my credit score
26% Removing negative items from my credit report
Source: CreditDonkey. Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding.
What is the main factor you consider when choosing a credit repair company?
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About CreditDonkey
CreditDonkey is a credit card comparison website. We publish data-driven analysis to help you save money & make savvy decisions.

Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed on this page are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer.

†Advertiser Disclosure: Many of the offers that appear on this site are from companies from which CreditDonkey receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). CreditDonkey does not include all companies or all offers that may be available in the marketplace.

*See the card issuer's online application for details about terms and conditions. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accurate information. However, all information is presented without warranty. When you click on the "Apply Now" button you can review the terms and conditions on the card issuer's website.

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